Install Git on macOS Mojave, Sierra, or an older Mac OSX version by getting the latest git version from the Git home page or from the direct macOS latest link.
Sync’ing a GitHub Fork via the Command Line
This tutorial looks at keeping a GitHub fork syn’ced and updated with the original repo, it involves forking a repo from someone else’s account to your GitHub account, making a local copy of your fork via the command line, and then fetching any changes of the original repo and then pushing those changes back to …
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Git and WordPress workflow for Local Dev on OSX to webserver
This guide shows a Git and WordPress workflow and demonstrates version control using Git from a local development environment on OSX to a live production webserver which is a cPanel server running on CentOS. CentOS cPanel comes with Git and you can do an easy install for OSX. Set up SSH (no passwords) A key requisite for this is …
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