Mac Mail in macOS Sierra allows you to export the mail messages of a mailbox in an email account as a backup/archive as well as the ability to re-import that mailbox content into another email account.
Exporting a Mac Mailbox
In Mac Mail choose your mailbox to export in the mailboxes column via the Mailbox Menu and choose ‘Export Mailbox’, navigate to a destination folder and export. The resulting export will be named similar to ‘INBOX2.mbox‘ with differing increment numbers.
Mbox is a generic Linux format for storing a number of email messages.
Importing a Mac Mbox Mailbox
Importing is easy, you don’t select an email account initially, you bring in the mailbox as a new mailbox and then manually move the mail where you need it to go.

Select Import Mailboxes from the Menu
Import that mbox format into another mailbox first, go to the File Menu > Import Mailboxes and navigate to where the exported mbox folder is and choose that to import, what happens is that it is stored as a new mailbox in the mailboxes column with a generic name like “Import-2”
Now all you have to do is locate the mailbox see the contents and click and drag the messages to a new mailbox destination.

Move messages to desired Mailbox
That’s it, the mbox format is easily transferred between multiple mail accounts.