Once you have installed MySQL onto OS X / OS X server, MySQL will basically run OK under a light load. You can see what tweaks you might need to make with a fine tuning MySQL script aptly named mysqltuner.pl, this script can make suggestions that you need to load into your MySQL configuration file. …
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Query another different DNS Nameserver with Dig and NslookUp
Query another different nameserver using dig or nslookup to look up dns information or check that your nameserver is acting OK – in this brief guide we’ll use the public Google ones at: For dig use it on the command line like so: dig @ adomain.com For nslookup: nslookup adomain.com For nslookup …
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How to Disable the default Linux Firewall and use CSF
Some of the firewall scripts that come with various hosting companies can leave a lot to be desired, and tackling IP tables head on can be intimidating, here is how to disable the default firewall and use an industry standard one which provides both a CLI and GUI through cPanel using WHM or on non-cPanel …
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Fastest Way of Installing Drupal 7.22 on Mac OS X 10.7 , 10.6
Fastest Way to install the latest Drupal 7 version on Mac OS X Lion 10.7 Drupal is a quality CMS application and is as simple or complex as your needs vary, it runs on the same foundations that Mac OS X Lion or Snow Leopard provides. This tutorial assumes a certain degree of comfort in …
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Fastest Way of Installing Drupal 6 on Mac OS X
Fastest Way to install the latest Drupal 6 version on Mac OS X This assumes the web sharing method is the standard OS X user web sharing service as shared from ~/Sites, the shared drupal directory will be called “drupal“. The mysql database is called drupal and the mysql user is root, the password for …
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Import a mysql database into OS X 10.8 via Terminal
Import a mysql database into OS X 10.8 I have found that phpmydmin on the Mac has issues with the max upload file size limit and changing the value in php.ini doesn’t always do the trick. Since mysql is already installed a quick trip to the terminal will sort this out. Create the database if …
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Fix 403 Forbidden Error, WordPress, .htaccess
Forbidden 403 Error You don’t have permission to access /~username/blahblahblah on this server. When you customise WordPress to have custom permalinks, WordPress needs to make rewrites to clean URLs and produce a ‘.htaccess‘ file in the root directory of the webserver installation, sometimes the “.htaccess” rewrite composition isn’t the best and produces a 403 Forbidden …
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Secure Remote SSH Connection with no passwords OSX 10.7 and Linux
How to generate public and private keys for SSH on Mac OS X 10.7 and then share that public key no so password is prompted for a secure connection with a remote computer. OSX 10.9 Mavericks SSH Connection guide is here. First thing that you need to do is to create a directory that will …
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